The biggest highlight of the drive was our decision to stop at a little bakery/coffee shop on the side of the road near lunch time. Run by a rather talkative older lady, we soon found ourselves walking out with a homemade beef pie, rather than 2 coffees. Wow, easily the best pie either of us has ever had, topped with mash and mushy peas as well. This thing was as big as your face and cost 10 dollars.
A friend of Tegan's from primary school lives in Darwin with her fiance, and had offered to let us stay with them. What a relief to have a place to dump some of our things, have a good shower and a bed to sleep in, not to mention have a couple friends to hang out with before we travelled on to Wongalara and a life of solitude. Many thanks to Sally and Landon, hopefully you guys make it out for a visit in June.
We spent the next couple of days running around, picking up our work ute, and running errands for the new job. Our last night of fine dining was spent at Char, a rather upscale restaurant in the middle of Darwin (Jimmy, you know this one well). Wine in hand, we cheers'd having made it this far, lamenting the lack of options with regards to dining out once we made it to Wongalara. With our checklist completed, we could head off into the bush for the next 8 months.
Coming up: after a long journey, we arrive at our new home.
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